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Karoo Software Build Version 1.189.994

Posted by Hammerhead Team on


We’ve added upcoming elevation when navigating to a Pin or Point of Interest. Route to Home from Quick Actions, tap on any POI mid-ride, or long-press to navigate anywhere and you’ll be able to see a full-resolution elevation graph in the Upcoming Elevation data field. 


We’ve continued to refine the Total Ascent calculation to better match other platforms.


[Karoo 1 only] We’ve repositioned all button graphics on Karoo 1 to align correctly with the physical buttons.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a rare syncing issue between Karoo and Dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause short intervals in planned workouts to be “missed” by FE-C trainers. This led to the trainer not changing target wattage until the next interval.
  • [Karoo 2 only] Fixed an issue that prevented Karoo 2 from connecting to wifi on particular routers.

Android Companion App (1.5.0):

  • Fixed issues that could crash the Android companion app.

Dashboard Software:

  • Fixed an issue preventing the import from Google Maps of routes with particular characters in the URL.
  • Fixed an issue that disabled the Upload Route By URL button after it had been used once.


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