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Karoo Software Build Version: 1.64.641.3

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Introductions and Enhancements:

  • You can now sort routes by date, name, distance, proximity, or elevation gain - How to Use
  • Behind the scenes: Karoo’s navigation engine has been upgraded to prepare for future enhancements
  • Gravel paths now have a greater routing priority when creating gravel routes in the Dashboard and on Karoo
  • Navigation has been improved, especially when importing long routes from third-party services

Bug Fixes:

  • Automatic Strava uploads will occur the next time a WiFi connection is in place. Previously the auto-upload would fail and not retry if connectivity was not available when a ride was completed
  • Improvements were made to reduce the occurence of a false “Destination Reached” notice at the beginning of a ride
  • Fixed a navigation issue causing state route references to not be shown in turn-by-turn instructions
  • Fixed an issue that meant turn-by-turn instructions could cease mid-ride
  • The Distance to Destination data field now continues to show the distance to destination when a rider stops moving, rather than displaying a "..." reading
  • Fixed an issue where new accounts created from Karoo would fail to store the user’s email address. Existing accounts with this problem have also been fixed 

Features and Bug Fixes Still in Progress:


  • An account deletion button has been added to the dashboard, which fully removes your account and data in compliance with GDPR

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