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Karoo Software Build Version 1.181.967

Posted by Hammerhead Team on


We’ve simplified and improved the settings for Turn By Turn Directions. Now, the Distance To Next Turn and the Automatic Turn Cues can be enabled or disabled independently. (Note: as part of these changes, the in-ride toggle for Muting/Unmuting Turn Cues will no longer reset after each ride.)



Starred Strava Live Segments are now automatically synced to Karoo when you log in to your Hammerhead Account.



We’ve further improved the behavior of “radar disconnected” alerts to only show when a radar goes from Connected to Disconnected mid-ride. This will be especially welcomed by riders who have multiple radar devices or those who don’t always ride with their radar. 



We’ve improved how our routing algorithm handles gates across paths.



A handful of improvements were made to better-align the on-screen buttons to the physical button placement on Karoo 1.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some Strava Live Segments did not clear when the rider left the segment.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Upcoming Elevation graph to get out of sync with your actual progress along a route.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing certain Turn Cues not to clear after returning to a route from being off-route
  • Continued improvement to the reliability of Phone Notifications 


Browser Extensions

The RouteGrab Chrome extension has been updated in the Chrome Web Store.  Riders must install this update to use RouteGrab on Strava, Ride with GPS, or Komoot. RouteGrab has also been added to the Firefox Store.


Dashboard Software

  • We’ve automated the importing of routes from connected accounts. Now, when you first connect to Strava, Ride with GPS, or Komoot, we will automatically and immediately sync your routes from those services. 
  • We’ve added Offline Maps to the Dashboard settings.  Now you can manage on Dashboard which regions you want synced to Karoo.
  • Dashboard now removes the "connect accounts" banner from the Routes page after you link at least one route-providing account.
  • You can now import Ride with GPS Ambassador Routes by URL.
  • Fixed a bug that was caused by trying to upload a ride to a connected service to which it had already been uploaded. Dashboard gave an unclear error message and then removed the link to the ride on that service.
  • Polished up a number of issues on the Dashboard:
    • Improved the appearance of long route names.
    • Fixed how connected accounts in the sidebar menu would overlap Settings at certain browser dimensions.
    • Added informative text to the error messages returned by linked services.
  • Dashboard now supports an unlimited number of POIs (previously it was limited to 100).
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to export a .gpx file for a route if the name contained slashes.

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