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Karoo Software Build Version: 1.157.907.3

Posted by Hammerhead Team on

Feature Introductions:

  • Introducing Battery Save Mode: when enabled, this new mode can nearly double your Karoo’s battery life, perfect for your longest rides. Your Karoo’s screen will turn off when it isn’t needed, and will wake up automatically to show you any important events: an upcoming turn, an approaching car (if you have a radar), a new workout interval, and more. 
  • For those who ride with a radar, we’ve made the Car Approaching “lane” disappear when no cars are detected, so you can now enjoy the full width of your screen. Additionally, we’ve improved the Radar Mute so you can still see if cars are approaching even when the full lane isn’t popping over your data. Just tap the radar icon in the top left of the Status Bar to toggle between these two modes. These changes also alleviate the data field font size inconsistencies that our previous Radar design caused for some users.
  • We updated the Home screen to accommodate longer Profile names, making it easier to differentiate between your Profiles when you’re going for a ride. 
  • We’re giving the Settings app a facelift as part of Karoo’s new designs. There are a handful of pages left to make it complete (and we’re working on those right now), but most of the app is now consistent with the rest of the device. 


Bug Fixes:

  • We’ve simplified the navigation guidance given in the following scenarios: when you stay on a road that goes from unnamed to named (or vice versa), and when you continue in the same direction through an “offset” intersection (e.g. “left turn followed immediately by a right turn,” but you’re really just continuing on the same path)
  • Resolved an issue where data fields could stop showing data (would show “000”) even though the underlying data was still available. It seemed to happen frequently with elevation and temperature fields.
  • Fixed some edge cases around offline region management where an HX Navigation Service has stopped message could be presented.

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